About us

The company is a family business Frejus rapidly growing on the market since 2003, during that time we have gained many satisfied customers throughout the country and abroad.

Gained experience, constant investment in machinery, and continuous openness to the growing needs of our market was the reason for undertaking the production and repair of power hydraulics components for agricultural machinery, forestry machinery, construction machinery, industrial machinery and vehicles.

Observing the constantly changing situation in the market, the company continues to introduce new sales assortment , so that the customer can choose from spare parts , machines and take advantage of the service provided by us. We work with many well-known domestic and foreign manufacturers dealing with machinery and spare parts.

Power hydraulics wholesaler, hydraulic pumps wholesaler.

Have questions? Write to us!

Retail sales

Tel: (+48) 67-216-79-13
Cell: (+48) 505-818-281
Email: biuro@frejus.com.pl

Bulk sale

Tel: 67-348-25-52
Tel: (+48) 67-349-23-60
Cell: (+48) 502 747 575
Email: biuro@frejus.com.pl

We invite you to us!


64-980 Trzcianka
Siedlisko 13
NIP 763-178-57-41
REGON 970586687

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